Dear Reader #1

First of all, thank you so much for sticking around this long! I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated the old blog, but after the chaos of the past year and my own re-evaluation of my own goals, I think we’re back on track.

Admittedly, going from zero to “fully researched blog every single month” was a touch ambitious for a newcomer like me—especially considering the fact that I’m revising a novel and working a full-time service industry job on top of trying to write articles! That’s a large request to make of myself, so I’ve revised my expectations accordingly. Little History articles will be back—in fact, I’ve already got a few ideas lined up for August—albeit less frequent until I get my work ethic back on track. To supplement the void, my plan is to write short, weekly blog posts with more flexibility in the topics. Whether it’s a niche bit of slang I learned while reworking a bit of dialogue, an interesting nonfiction book I’m reading, or a myth I feel the urge to correct, these, uh, littler histories should sufficiently lower the bar while still maintaining my presence on this little site—and keeping you all entertained!

Another major change: Madeira as a project has become far more ambitious than I expected it to be, and with it being a passion project, I’ve become incredibly protective and wary over her. The girl needs a lot of structural work before I feel ready to send her off into the trenches, and I’m nervous debuting with such a labor of love, so I’ve decided to shelve her for the time being. Instead, as you may already know, I’ve been working for the past several months on The Telford Liar, a historical drama set in 1945 America, where a vengeful Jewish student fakes being an Anglo-Saxon heiress to skirt antisemitic university quotas. I’ve learned so much, both historical fact and about my own strengths and shortcomings as a writer, by engaging with Telford, and I hope to have it complete and ready to query by the end of the year, knock on wood.

Until then, stay curious, dear readers, and I hope to see you again soon!



Dear Reader #2: We Have a Small Problem…


Milk Punch: a Libation for the Vintage Molecular Mixologist